Oikos Sanidad Ambiental

Our company is managed by a Biology graduate, with a wide work experience in the pest control sector. We have extensive training, as well all licenses and certificates necessary for the development  of our business.


 -Biology graduate. University of Málaga.

-Master´s degree “Advances in food safety”. University of Jaén.

-Training course for the application of biocides for use on the environment and in food industry, qualified level. ANECPLA.

-Training course for phytosanitary pesticide application, qualified level. IFAPA.

-Training course for the application of wood preservatives, technical manager level. ANEPROMA.

-Training course for the control of legionellosis. ANAYCO.

-Food analyst course. M-Capital-Junta de Andalucía.


How we work

In Integrated Pest Management (IPM) we learn about the pest and select the best control methods to manage pests with the least effect to people, pets and the environment. By anticipating and preventing pest activity and combining several pest control methods, we can achieve long-term results.

The sequence of integrated pest management (IPM) follows a pattern: inspection, habitat alteration, pesticide application and follow-up.

 -Inspection: Pests do not infest uniformly; they focus on specific areas. These sites must be located. Training and experience in conducting inspections are important for successful location of infested areas.

 -Habitat alteration: Since infested areas provide harborage for pests (one of the elements along with food and water needed by pest to thrive), changing or eliminating some of these favorable elements will make survival less successful. Such changes commonly include increased sanitation, moisture reduction and the elimination of clutter.

 -Pesticide application: While successful habitat alteration can reduce or eliminate populations, it will often be less than complete and pesticide application may be necessary. The key to pest control is the successful combination of these methods.

 -Follow-up: Follow-up practices, such as detailed recordkeeping and supervisor oversight can make the difference between the success or failure of moderate to complicated pest control problems.

Why choose Oikos Sanidad ambiental?

-PERSONALIZED ATTENTION: please, contact us at the e-mail address below


or phone us to the number 671 36 89 64




-GUARANTEE OF A GREAT COMPANY: All our treatments are in compliance with legislation.

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c/ Denamiel de Castro, nº8, E-7. Málaga. Teléfono 671 36 89 64